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Deep Thought - From the darkest, lowest recesses of the mind

Posted by Placid on 2003-10-22 21:47 1028


A lot of people do it now adays I mean even Christians do it. Is it good or bad to cuss? Should Christians give way to cussing and start doing it? or should we try to hold back our Toungues.... Just a thought that I've always wanted to be answerd.

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2004-08-01 07:04
I'll agree that it's an easy way to express frustration, and sometimes (depending on your background and environment), the first way many people think of to do so, but it does show a lack of wit and vocabulary...Why use a 4 letter word when a succinctly worded witticism will suffice? Sarcasm is such a lost art. ;)

2004-06-30 16:16
(((placid))) here's my 2 cents worth. Cussing doesn't serve much of a purpose. Empty words, that aren't even used in their origninal meaning. They generally make the user sound less intelligent, and if overused, become just so much blithering, which as we know, is usually only done by idiots.

Having said that, I would also like to say, I ocasionally express myself with vocabulary that isn't necessarily fitting for a Christian woman. I don't think its a big bad sin. I think the guarding the tongue admonishment has more to do with saying hurtful things, lies, and gossip.

That's my opinion on cussing. *S*

I didnt survive Minas Tirith
2004-05-11 11:06

2004-01-19 10:27
James 3:9-12

2004-01-18 20:17
the Bible is full of talkin' 'bout controlling our tongues and how we shoujldn't be blessing and cursing out of the same mouth. I can't remember the referenced but try James, and the NT. things Paul wrote.

2003-10-31 18:57
well, I think that most people who cuss are people who easily lose their tempers. As Christians, we are to be slow to anger. If we do that, the tendency to cuss won't be as great. Tame the tongue.

2003-10-24 08:11
"Profanity is a lazy mind trying to express itself forcefully."