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Deep Thought - From the darkest, lowest recesses of the mind

Posted by Sporky on 2004-06-14 15:42 1146


Define This Statement.

"This Is A Lie."
Think about it.. like, really...it's pretty twisted and confusing to think about.

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2004-08-01 07:05
or the one it preceeds, dependant upon context.

2004-06-16 00:08
This statement claims to be true because it verifies the falsity of the previous statement.

2004-06-14 15:48
Let me clarify what I meant.
given the statement "this is a lie"... one can draw a number of conclusions.

first, they could interpret it on a shallower level and say "that statement must be a lie"...however, then you must take into account that if it TRULY IS a lie...then maybe it's not really one since the statement is apparently lying about its self being a lie... then one from that can draw the conclusion "this statement must not be a lie..".. but if that's the case, then the statement WAS in a way a lie, because it said it was a lie, yet from that statement with some careful analyzation you come to the conclusion that it is NOT. So the real question is this...is this statement true or false? The statement being this....

"This Is A Lie."