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Deep Thought - From the darkest, lowest recesses of the mind

Posted by kit kat on 2004-04-18 11:35 1075

Responsible for Reactions?

Are we responsible for how people react to our thoughts? If we say something in a positive way, and someone takes it negatively, are we responsible for it? Should we retract our thoughts or comments (even if they are right) just to pacify others?

I'm leaning towards no. However, as someone who frequently is misunderstood regarding the intention of my comments, I can attest that it is a lonely way of life.

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2008-06-07 13:46
Yeah, and we all know how well that went last time.

I didnt survive Minas Tirith
2004-05-11 11:04
I think we should abandon reason for madness, and build a massive Orc Army, and blow up Helm's Deep!

2004-04-30 22:14
I think kitkat what we need is wisdom here..IF we know that something rubs a person wrong and we don't take some precaution about what we say or do ...or..we let it push our buttons then yes we are responsible..but then again..if we have done that and have been careful with the person...at some point...we have to asses if we are just walking on eggshells or are we going to have the backbone not to be run over..Its good to have courage to take a stand..sometimes it doesn't do any good but always we should be honest ..(as well as discretionery)..but honesty isn't something we put on hold til its convenient..I think we are NOT responsible if we have done all in Love and have been honest and have done our best to avoid conflict. Something else that comes to mind is that we shouldn't take things too personally either...but that doesn't mean we don't have feelings..I have always thought the Serenity Prayer was so good..for our prayer to accept the things we cannot change and to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. Sometimes all we can do is ponder things in our heart and pray about them..but NO..YOU are NOT responsible for what others allow themselves to say or feel..WE are all responsible for ourselves in these things..and so is everybody else.

2004-04-26 21:13
I think we should care about how people react to what and how we say something. Granted there will be those people that always take something the wrong way. However if we have offended, we should have the grace to ask the person to forgive us. We shouldn't pacify others, rather we should speak the truth in love. I think that if our motives are right and we can do it in a caring way we should try.

2004-04-21 19:31
Personally, I find people that freak out about everything as tedious as the busybody know-it-alls who are always telling people how they should be running their personal lives. Neither character trait is particularly enjoyable to be around. You may tolerate them, but it's rare to want to form a really close relationship with them. It's just too much work.

I Didnt Survive Helms Deep
2004-04-21 18:41
Well sometimes people have the right to "freak out about everything."

2004-04-21 15:34
I think we all need to think before we speak. Sometimes it's really hard, or downright impossible... If we need to say it, maybe tell the person you don't mean any offense by it first...or think of an easier way to say what you have to say. Some people freak out at EVERYTHING so there's not changing it.

2004-04-20 21:48
You aren't responsible for how they react, but you are most definately responsible for the way you present it. A lot of times when people react negatively to what we say it's usually because we came across as being a finger pointer.