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Ism - Distinctive doctrines, systems, or theories

Posted by Momzilla on 2002-09-27 16:00 79


Cool rant from Martin Luther:

"The kingdom is to be in the midst of your enemies. And he who will not accept this does not want to be of the kingdom of Christ. He wants to be amongst friends, to sit among roses and lilies, not with the bad people. Oh, you blasphemers and betrayers of Christ! If Christ had done what you are doing, who would have been spared?"

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2003-01-29 12:30
another thought I had about this is that sometimes we just want to get away too...if we can maybe we should..there have times when I was so overwhelmed with events that I could NOT cope...another reason I get testy with Cristians who sit in the ivory towers that never had to face things..or thing they ""know" what you been thru....so if you need a shelter and there isn't one...that's another side of things....

Decent Christian
2003-01-20 14:43
what if u get nervous around people? I mean, not cuz I'm ashamed or anything like THAT. I just get nervous in social situations cuz I have Social Phobia.

2002-10-17 09:20
OGR..those rosy glasses get on my nerves too. more of em need to realize that in different circumstances their lives might have been different. Legalists like to isolate themselves and often don't realize that what appears to be sinful to them is really just not knowing what motivates things that people do and what is in their heart as with the example of when Jesus dined with sinners...

2002-09-28 14:36
He's saying that we're not following Christ's example if we're isolating ourselves from the world. If Christ had stayed in heaven, instead of coming and mixing with us dirty humans, we'd be eternal toast.

I LOVE that Keith Green song! "How can you be so dead, when you've been so well fed." Old Keith could sure rant some good stuff.

2002-09-28 14:05
yay! clap clap! we are the be the light in the dark not sit on our butts around with our rosy colored plastic coated bubble world of christianity where we are "safe" from the dirty outsiders. awit now im confused by that quote. is he saying dont hang out with unsaved? oh my. im lost now! that reminds me of that song Asleep in the light... "the worlds asleep in the dark but the church cant fight cuz its asleep in the light"

2002-09-28 06:25
I agree with you..I know its a value I've always cherished..I get afraid I'm getting like what you describe just for the fact that people just wear you out..but I hope there is a difference in distancing as apposed to just plugging your nose to people that just don't know Jesus's salvation and Love. Bad people are acting out their lack in experienceing his grace. Its early ..I hope that makes sense...*S*