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Life - What is it all about?

Posted by Phyllis on 2002-09-24 21:18 15

Learning to Love

Although life can seem like a cruel joke..I still believe it is a gift from God and that we are basically here to learn to Love and be longsuffering toward one another. and to become MOre Like Jesus. Good thing we got Him to help us.. :)

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2008-08-27 03:14
I agree with this. As many times as I feel like I have been burned by other people I still feel the need to reach out and connect.

Why are these threads so old. Does no one chat here anymore?

2003-08-16 12:24
Thanks schatzi..it sure is good to hear from you...you sincerity of heart is like a breath of fresh air every time I chat with you...

2003-08-14 12:33
Phyllis, your walking in the Spirit. God's grace, peace and blessings to you in a mighty way. You have it right and it's a blessing to see you state it. Thank you for the insight. :-)

Decent Christian
2002-11-17 01:24
I"m that way too

2002-09-28 06:37
you like me OGR..you know its there somewhere. I've never been too impressed with Bible quoters ..chapter and verse anyway...better to just know what it says...:)

2002-09-28 02:03
yes. thers a verse in the Bible that says something like ther is nothing better for man to live life happy. anyways. something like that. i lost that verse now. lol. figures.