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Love - The passion of the world and how it escapes you

Posted by Amy on 2003-07-30 20:47 962

Girls with no self respect

I am irritated with girls who have no self respect. They allow themselves to be manipulated and disrespected all for the sake of keeping peace in a relationship that is destined for destruction.

I am tired of hearing all the whiney stories of the he said/she said crap. I'm tired of trying to console the brokenhearted only to see them go straight back to the deadbeat. So sick of their wishy-washy-pity-me-because-I'm-in-a-bad-relationship attitude. I'm tired of being asked for advice or opinions only to get shut down and pushed aside when the guy comes back...NOT even crawling on his knees because he doesn't have to because the girl is so whipped.

To all the girls and guys who repeatedly get themselves into situations like this, I recommend you get comfortable in your own skin before trying to find a secure relationship with someone. There is a purpose for being single. Use that time wisely. Invest in your relationship with God before you try to build a relationship with some guy. Singlehood is a time to be used to figure out your likes and dislikes, to set goals and work towards achieving them...get to know and like yourself first before you dive into a relationship.

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2003-09-15 01:39

2003-08-14 13:30
Woohooo you go girl!

2003-08-02 13:03
I agree totally. And I learned the really hard way.

kit kat
2003-07-31 22:18
*S* @ Amy

I Didnt Survive Helms Deep
2003-07-31 16:16