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Love - The passion of the world and how it escapes you

Posted by table on 2002-09-28 02:23 105

my rant

I hate how married or people in relationships think that they know about everything there is to know about love and then try to give single people advice. I'm like "no you know about your experience, not everyone elses." ohhh and I also can't stand couples that are both so gross that they must have gotten together cause they were both soooo desperate! I just wanna say to them, "Thank God you two are together so that you can leave everyone else alone!"

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2002-10-12 15:58
I've always tried to figure out exactly why so many nice looking young women seem to gravitate toward such worthless acting dirtbag punk alpha-males? I mean, you'll see a young woman who looks like she was raised well, and she'll be getting into an old Camaro with a glassy-eyed Kid Rock type on parole. It must be some kind of natural warning system for the rest of us.

2002-09-30 18:09
ewww they must be practicing that church tongue that they learned about from watching the Wedding singer on TBS, lol

2002-09-29 22:57
lol tazgirl..

2002-09-29 21:44
lol lol.. oh my! my rant about married people is when they are newly weds in church and they are practically making out in the pew. i am sorry, but there is a time and a place for that... it's called HOME! i go to church to worship God, see friends and family and hear the sermon... not to see the kissy face newly weds! lol

2002-09-29 13:53
i'm not talking about looks, lol, i meant disposition and general personality, and the grossness part goes along with the advice part in the earlier portion of my message. I guess i should have been clearer.

2002-09-29 03:24
that's not very nice. just because a person looks "gross" to you doesn't mean they look gross to everyone else. and that person may look gross to almost everyone, but what about who they ARE? not just their outward appearance.

someone may think YOU look gross and think you should marry someone just as gross, doesn't that make you feel all nice and happy? i think not.