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Love - The passion of the world and how it escapes you

Posted by sherri on 2003-09-15 02:32 1008

Pretty girl/ ugly guy?

In light of Ox's recent comments I feel I have to vent here. I used to be one of those 'oh looks down't matter, how superficial' sort of people who would go out with a guy regardless of how he looked just because I thought that 'the heart was all that mattered'. DOH!!!!! A couple of ex's later I realised that although I might have felt that way, funnily enough - they didn't. In fact analysing the whole thing, if I had been at their level they wouldn't have gone near me with a ten foot pole. And although not a supermodel I still upped their ego stats enough for them to be interested in me. And I have to say that I've noticed a lot of girls do that in churchs - put their egos on the shelf and go out with whoever because it's 'chrisitan' just to see the 'whoevers' they go out with - go strutting around like a peacock with their arm around their 'prize' often enough checking out the other really good looking chicks with a 'man I didn't realize that I was hot enough to attract these kind of women' look on their face. I once heard a very wise pastor say 'if you're wandering about the standard of appearence in the opposite sex that you should be seeking. Go take a good look in the mirror.' Although the heart counts the most, looks do too - unless you want to risk being married partly for your potential as an ego accessory.

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2008-06-07 08:31
That a pretty girl out there is interested in an ugly guy is my only hope!

2004-07-01 14:53
once upon a time, many years ago, I met a guy named Brett. We were both 17. I was not impressed with his looks. But over the course of the evening, he proved to be a lot of fun, so when he asked me out I went. We had a two year relationship that ended with him going away to college, and me being to young, dumb, and impatient to realize how short four years was. We remained friends. But the interesting thing is, outsiders might have looked at us and thought, "how did he end up with her?" but...during our time together, I never felt like his prize. I felt very lucky to be with him. He was confident, kind, funny, and truly comfortable in his skin. And the longer I knew him, the better looking he seemed. In my memory now, he seems handsome, and when he smiled, positively beautiful.

So...I would say, a person's value isn't based on how he looks. Looks are based on who he is...you really have to get to know someone to know how beautiful they are, and beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

2004-06-14 15:39
It's funny that you should mention this topic, because it's something I think about alot sometimes. In this day and age though, there's so much diversity in how people feel about "the looks." Do looks matter? Well lets face it...sometimes couples wouldn't ever even meet if it weren't for that. There's nothing really wrong with appreciating someone's good looks either... however, it is important to remember that attractiveness many times has nothing to do with how much "supermodel" status you might have. I think it's important to be fair to people people on both ends of the spectrum in the places where it is due.

2004-01-18 20:13
if looks matter maybe i'll wear a paper bag ;)

2003-09-27 10:44

I Didnt Survive Helms Deep
2003-09-26 18:55
One word...L-O-S-E-R!! lol yup pretty much.

2003-09-15 22:12
This is what EXSACTLY happened to me and Will. I was his "prize" and he showed me off. the Song "YOU DON'T OWN ME." Comes to mind.

2003-09-15 03:25
*grin* ok, so I was in a bad mood when I wrote this, but still.......comments anyone?