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Love - The passion of the world and how it escapes you

Posted by Koji Kondo on 2003-02-11 20:47 438

to have loved and lost...


My girlfriend, my sweet sweet girlfriend, decided I wasn't good enough for her (I think). It's a shame, things were so perfect at first, and I thought that we were made for each other. Then, she got upset with me and.....I dunno, kept playing shadow games with me and wouldn't listen to anything I said. Finally she said that she wasn't interested in keeping up the relationship and now I can't go near her without getting my head bitten off...she seems to think that she's going to magically end up in a new relationship without any flaws...well nobody's perfect and just because we had a hiccup or two doesn't mean she had to break it off so fast. *sigh* she's the sweetest person in the world and everyone I talk to says we were meant to be together, and I think she still cares about me deep inside but won't admit it to herself...or else she can't deal with the upkeep of a relationship...

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kit kat
2003-02-17 11:16
*tries to remember being 16 and talking in CAPITALS with a whole bunch of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

2003-02-16 14:32
Placid leave them out of this, this is between you and me!

To be honest with you I'm not trying to get us back together anymore. I thought you were acting kinda weird at first but now I understand how things really are. So, it's not a problem.

You need to grow up! Seriously! You are being REALLY immature, and way too hypocritical! You always tell me I should stop being hardheaded, but you're the closed-minded one! When have I EVER been able to talk about my OPINIONS without getting bashed by you?!? You're not always right!! Sometimes listening to other people can HELP!! Remember I'm not a complete retard and I have a good idea of what I'm talking about! Then you complain about how I treat my brother but from what I understand you and your sister are always getting into fights! My brother and I NEVER fight! You tell me I should find a purpose - I've got a purpose and I'm following through with it! Steady job, college-bound, study-driven...I'm not lacking in that area. And why do you keep bringing up what happened between me and your sister! JUST DROP IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I've apologized and she's forgiven me! Sometimes you just have to LET THINGS GO! You're worse than me about that!! Another thing - the only reason I talk about myself is because you said you liked to hear it and you never had anything to say! I'm sorry if that bugged you - maybe you should be a little more plain in the future.

I told you I wouldn't leave you even though you kept complaining about all the 12 YEAR OLDS who hung around me. Whatever made you decide to leave is your business - I'm not going to waste my time trying to get back together with somebody who lies, makes fun of me, can't deal with stress and worst of all is 400 miles away! There's no point! Placid - I gave you every chance to salvage the relationship, let alone the friendship, and you shoved it in my face every single time. I'm just not interested in putting up with the kind of abuse you displayed. Nobody deserves the attitude you gave me, regardless of temper, stress, or anything else! Especially not a friend and that goes double for love interests! I've never met ANYONE who mistreated me so badly and I'm sick and tired of it! You seem to think I'll never be able to change - fine, you don't know me as well as I thought you did. I'm sorry this relationship never got the chance it deserved.

If you ever want to talk about anything or tell me anything you have my number and my email. As far as I'm concerned we're finished. I won't be back on the forums or chat and I certainly won't be in town anytime soon (so you can go ahead and flirt with every guy in the city for all I care) It's up to you whether or not we remain friends - I'm not going to bother you with our star-crossed fiasco any more. It was fun while it lasted and I'm sorry things happened the way they did. Best of luck with Dan or whatever, and try to be a bit more forgiving with the next guy you meet - not everyone is as tolerant as you might think...

- Will

2003-02-15 19:51
if you wana contact me my Yahoo IM is voidedbylove, later... hopfully I can help out someone els in their relationship....

2003-02-15 19:40
Oh and one more think Koji Kondo that was kinda mean when you said and I quote "...she can't deal with the upkeep of a relationship..." Maybe she justs thinks it should be over.

2003-02-15 19:38
Okay you two you guys need to stop! Koji Kondo Okay hon listen, I know how you feel My bf cheated on me and lied to me about it. But listen You still need to be friends. Maybe she gets mad because she still has a thing for you but knows it's a good idea for you guys just to be friends! I know! It's happened to me before! And Pacid! Stop being a wet blanket!!!!!!!!! All you ever do is Bash about your ex saying how mean he is to you! Wasn't there any nice things about him? Good greif! Get a life girl!!!!! Koji Kondo do you have a yahoo Im we can talk on some time?

Koji Kondo
2003-02-15 19:13
observant - yeah, I know there were problems. I'm open to change if I can get some picture of what the problem is...the unfortunate side is that she wouldn't tell me what's wrong. But, it's OK, I'm over her - I don't need somebody who can't hold a conversation without bursting into flames every time a sensitive subject comes up.

Placid - excuse me?

Koji Kondo
2003-02-15 19:07

2003-02-15 15:47
Plus I moved 400 Miles away from him and not seeing each other all the time can put a damper on the realationship!

2003-02-15 14:26
Observant, Okay Here's MY side of the story, he trated me likea trophy and critisized me every 40's, he HAD to prove himself right! And then when he emailed me he said "if it isn't working out Tell me and I'll break it off so there won't be any broken hearts." I felt like a trophy when I was around him! He would show me off to his friends then he would put me back in the cabnant when he was done! THEN he was very rude and nasty to my sister!!!! And didn't take my mothers advice when she had a ONE ON ONE talk with him about me! If everyone knew what Koji has done to me! They would say good riddance! He would NEVER let me talk! All he did was talk about himself and whne I had a word in he would intrupt me and talk about him again for HOURS!!!!!! I got fed up because he only wanted to talk about him Him HIm HIM!!!! AND I WAS FED UP!!!! I told him this NUMEROUS times and he STILL WON'T GET IT!!!!! Then When I finally DID break it off he told my BEST friend that I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got totally fed up with him so I didn't talk to him for a while because you know I was mad! But then he goes around creeping me out saying OOOh You're the only girl for me! You're mine!!!!! and no one els can have yoU! And other things like that!!!!! That REALLY creeps me out!!!!
anyway that's PART of my story I don't want to bore you!
P.S. Observant I haveto say what you said is so true :)

2003-02-12 08:44
hmmmm..If she is so sweet then why would she think you weren't good enough for her. and you admit by saying "nobody"s perfect" that there are some problems..in my experience if you don't work on the problems and be responsible for the changes needed relationships wont/can't grow. and if you are a Christian sometimes taking a moment to examine our convictions can make the difference and part of being responsible.. Love wants to rejoice in all things good and make changes and endure the pain that it takes to keep a relationship together. (smiles) and very often if someone is biting your head off is a good sign they think they can't talk to you. guys seem to have more problems with that than girls. and I'm only getting your side of the story....