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Nitpick - Those tiny little nits that get under your skin

Posted by table on 2002-09-28 02:13 100

anal retentiveness

I can't stand people that are anal retentive about every little thing. I love all people but I really dislike anal people and don't want to be around them.

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King of Oxlandia
2003-05-06 22:43
Well, it's a Freudian concept.

Someone who is anal retentive is someone who had hangups about going #2 as small children.

Therefore, later in life they'll be really fussy and uptight, concerned about trivial manners, very insecure around what they may perceive as disorderly or out of synch.

Those who are oral retentive... according to Freud, as infants when they were breast feeding, the mother held them the wrong way or something, which leads to symptoms later in life.

They often have oral fixations and like to smoke or otherwise put stuff in thier mouth. They also tend to be slobs, "take it as it comes", somewhat lazy or indifferent to the ongoings around them, a little too "laid back", etc. etc.

2003-02-13 18:18
oh yes... my favorite kind of people... oh heck, all of my co workers are like this!

2003-02-13 10:32
I've tried to Love People but EVERYONE. small and great..the learned and the uneducated..the young and old. the best and the worst ...ALL get ANAL sooner or later...

2003-02-13 01:53
Cornbread-OCD perhaps?

2002-10-12 16:05
There used to be this support guy who worked in my general area of the cubicle farm, and he just had to have every little thing on his desk placed just so, or he would have some kind of internal fit. The guy was seriously compulsive like that. He would align his pencils and desk objects in a certain way, and that sort of thing. A couple of other guys there used to like to just slightly rearrange some of the things on his desk when they'd walk by and he wasn't looking. It would just drive him nuts, much to their amusement. I always figured he'd climb to the roof of the building next door with a rifle one day, but he never did.

2002-09-29 13:13
& they don't realize that the very thing they're anal about is the thing that bothers everyone else about THEM :)

2002-09-28 13:58
ahhh ok gotcha

2002-09-28 12:15
one girl - people that pick on every little thing that someone does, One of those people that's always bothered about something

2002-09-28 06:30
I wish I could say I loved all people.. I still have a little trouble with some of em. *S*

2002-09-28 02:14
huh? whats anal..well i mean..in this sense of the word. sorry im bein honest!