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Nitpick - Those tiny little nits that get under your skin

Posted by Placid on 2003-03-04 20:32 601

Hai Que Linda!!!!!!!!!!!

When I was SUPER little (like 3 or four) Spanish ladies... STRANGERS to me would come up and Say Hai Que Linda!!!! (Oh how pretty!) and touch, grab, and sniff my hair! My thoughts were"Get those Non washed hands off of me!" But I kept them to myself! Now I NEVER EVER let anyone touch my hair! Except Cubbie! She's an exception!!!!

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2003-03-05 20:06
Cubbie you ARE an exception! You CAN touch my hair! :) (remember?)

I Didnt Survive Helms Deep
2003-03-05 18:27
I know but you said "Now I NEVER EVER let anyone touch my hair! Except Cubbie! She's an exception!!!!" lol

2003-03-04 22:04
Cubbie it means How how pretty, the Spanish ladys thought my red hair was REALLY pretty so they would come up and touch it! I should have explained it more! LoL!

I Didnt Survive Helms Deep
2003-03-04 21:40
say whaaaaaa? lol waa aah aah!!! *probably only brett will get that*