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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by Placid on 2003-02-27 19:03 571

Being Sick all the time!

I hate and I mean HATE being sick all the time! The Doctor told me after I had pneumonia that I have to be more carful! Well I tried and I tried to be carful, But I just had to get sick 5 more times! If I get pneumonia again My family will suffer the Doc's bill again! And believe me we can't afford the bill!

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2003-03-01 08:52
formerhunk, I DO EAT RIGHT! I work out 3 times a a night at my TKD club (2 to 3 hours a night) I really try hard to try new things and to stop when I think I've had enough, not when my stomche is about to blow! And I can't take a lot of pills my stomache will spaz and I'll throw up!
But thanks for the advice.

2003-03-01 01:16
maybe if you eat right and start taking some vitamins it might help. i was getting sick all the time, started taking vitamins and eating somewhat normal food instead of junk all the time and i stopped getting sick as often. i still get the occassional cold, but at least it's not every month getting one. now it's only every few month. lol.