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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by formerhunk on 2003-02-26 16:36 556

bus drivers

why are they so rude? they are there to provide a service to the public, so why do they have to drive right past you at a visible bus stop sign? or when they see people walking down the sidewalk they don't try to miss that huge puddle at the corner so that several people end up soaking wet and covered in dirty slushy snow. today a girl got on the bus and paid with a bunch of change, she was 5 cents short and the driver made her ask everyone on the bus if they had 5 cents or else she wouldn't be able to ride.

i understand everyone has a bad day, but i work in a restaurant in the bus terminal and i hear complaints like this EVERYDAY! I tell these people to complain to the bus station manager or to call the city and complain, but nothing is ever done about it it seems. *sigh* are we destined to have rude bus drivers for the rest of eternity?

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2003-04-07 12:53
amazing how there is Almost ALWAYS two sides to every story..

King of Oxlandia
2003-04-07 03:08
The bus driver didn't kick her off for being 5 cents short? Sounds cooler than the ones they got around here!

Bus drivers have to put up with more verbal abuse than cops in the ghetto do. And unlike cops, they're required to just sit their and take it, to not lose their cool. Here in L.A. the MTA guys get brutally assaulted all the time; it's just that nobody ever hears about it because the city sweeps it under the rug.

Once I saw a driver get spit on, because he wouldn't let some punk kid take his Chinese food on board. The kid hawked up a loogie and spit right in his face. The driver sat there in stunned disbelief for half a second and then lunged at the kid. The dummy jumped out the doors and ran for it into busy traffic, made it to the other side (he had a friend with him) and disappeared. It was pretty messed up.

2003-03-04 17:32
are you kidding...do you have any idea how many psycho's ride around on the bus all day? lol

kit kat
2003-02-27 09:04
Well maybe you should become a bus driver so you can be NICE. Just a thought.