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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by Observant on 2003-03-02 10:05 589

converting people

ever now and then I see a chatter come in claiming he or she isn't a christian.. and inevitably someone tries to convince them. I don't know why these folks come in and ask about it...cause they plainly say they aren't interested and then we spend the next hour trying to find something that will talk them into it.. and the next time you see them its the same as before..I'm sure Jesus has His eye on them and already knows thier beef with Christians..He knows what they need. I would just like to see one of them come back and just say thanks for trying or "yeah"...I get it!..but you never do and they generally come back with the same grinding questions they had before..Most likely to challenge us ....most likely..not saying we shouldn't try..but......

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kit kat
2003-03-03 15:07
We are called to be different to different people. We help them in certain stages. Some plant seeds, some water, and others see the fruit of the work. We all can plant seeds - it's just important to realize that we may not see that person "saved". But that doesn't mean God didn't use us.