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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by Phyllis on 2003-08-24 10:55 986


There is a difference between trusting someone and forgiving them..I can forgive them and not trust them...there is a difference between righteous anger and forgiving..You can forgive and still experience anger over an offence. and there is a difference between forgiving and reconciling..it is possible to forgive and not reconcile with a person you know you should not trust or put yourself in harms way again. And serious offenses are not easy to forgive..we may forgive and need to renew our comittment to forgive someone..but before we judge someone unforgiving..lets consider that their anger or there wisdom in associating with the offender or there unwillingness to give their trust freely is not a sign of unforgiveness necessarily..and if we expose or stand up for the wrong done ..esp in a ministry...we are not unforgiving to do that..in fact we Should do that...abhor what is evil and expose it.

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