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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by kit kat on 2004-08-30 10:44 1184


Aren't they the worst? You believe them until they tell a whopper of a lie. And then you want to believe them because of a supposed "Friendship". Then of course what happens is you get hurt, the person doesn't care they've hurt you and continues to move on to other people.

We all know where liars go.

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2004-09-05 13:50
the thing that really pushes me over the edge is when people say they will do something then they don't.

If you don't want to do it in the first place, don't say you will. I won't NOT like you because you don't come visit me (for example) or snail mail me something that you found and thought I'd like. This really pisses me off.

If you're gonna tell people you're gonna do something, do it or keep your mouth shut.