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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by Aikon on 2003-05-22 10:06 813

People that seem to always know better

Just gets me all riled up when just cuz ya being slightly catious about a major change, people accuse you of being scared of life.

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2003-05-24 16:30
caution is good

2003-05-24 09:10
then again, it could just be a natural cautiousness of not wanting to jump headfirst into new situation without at least making some provision for it all going wrong.. that would just be dumb

kit kat
2003-05-23 14:17
If what they said bothered you that much, maybe there is some truth in it you are willing to acknowledge? Just a thought.

2003-05-22 12:35
Frankly, it's not even worth being riled about. Why do you really care what such an inconsiderate person thinks? I mean, it's easy for THEM to stand in judgement in that way because there is absolutely NO risk to THEM if you follow their advice. I suppose there is such a thing as being too cautious (nothing in life is certain) but it's not a bad thing to look before you leap. It's called "maturity" when you stop and consider your options and potential consequences while making big decisions.

2003-05-22 12:22
How so?