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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by table on 2002-09-28 02:18 104

self rightous people

I can't stand those people that can point out everyone else's faults, but can't see thier own huge faults that are staring them right in the face! They make themselfs out to be an idiot! And then they start giving useless advice that they themselfs need to follow!

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2004-11-20 12:46
AMEN!! I agree with ya table...looking at some of the other posts around this place!! geez...some people so need to get a life or a bit of maturity!!!

2004-08-01 09:15
"Pull the beam from your eye before you yank the splinter from mine."

2002-09-28 06:12
I"m with yu on that one. :)