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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by Momzilla on 2003-08-20 13:27 982


Now, it doesn't bug me so much that the world is selfish ... it's ... well... the world. But aren't we Christians supposed to be new creations?

Im really sick to death of so-called Christians who look at the poor .. esp. children ... and say, "I pay my tax dollars, so not my problem." Or who take the attitude that, "I take care of my own, let them take care of theirs."

God says (Deut. 8) that when wealth multiplies, "then your heart becomes proud, and you forget the Lord your God... you may say in your heart 'My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.'" and goes on to remind us that EVERYTHING we "earn" is a gift of God, even the "power to make wealth."

God GIVES to us (spiritually, materially) in order that we can bless others (II Cor 8:14-15) and has dire warnings for those "whose god is their appetite, and whose glory is in their shame, who set their minds on earthly things." (Phil 3:19).

Even on the congregational church level, we see this selfishness as the church spends it's money on its own comfort (fancy carpet, entertainment systems) while sharing very little with the poor and missions work.

It is appalling that a so-called Christian could look at a hungry child and say, "What a shame, but it's their own parents fault. Not my problem." God will surely judge this harshly.

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2003-08-24 10:02
Yeah I always thought the Christians should show the Love above those around in the world. Too bad..not sure anymore why they don't. Just something I've come to accept as a fact..wonder if it has something to do with the last days and the saying of Jesus..because iniquity abounds the love of many wax cold..why should that be..I could blame the leaders and certainly many of them sure set a bad example..but as a christian myself and knowing how much I wanted to please God and serve the Lord from the time I was a child I've come to see its not an easy thing to be LIKE Him. Thankful that He never gives up on humanity..but christians would do well to remember they are being judged...