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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by formerhunk on 2004-07-05 15:54 1156

stupid weddings

I HATE WEDDINGS! Especially when your child has been picked as a ring bearer (without your knowledge) then you're expected to pay for all kinds of CRAP. We have a tuxedo for our son that we got for a great deal, but the bride and groom say he has to "match everyone else" so as a result we have to pay $120 to RENT a tux, shoes and a vest. NO FREAKING WAY! Not when I have to pay for transportation to and from the wedding, a hotel room, food for 3 people for the weekend, a wedding gift and give up my only 2 days off of work that week to be stressed out. I wasn't this stressed out for my OWN wedding.

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2004-07-05 21:32
good grief...whatever happened to just the cumberbund and tie matching the groomsmen??? why the whole tux for a little guy?

2004-07-05 16:46
weddings cost a lot to attend and be in. The older I get the more inconsiderate it seems to ask your guests to do that. I only want something small and simple for my wedding. I would rather throw all my energy and time into planning my marriage than my wedding.