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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by lumiere on 2003-02-20 14:36 478

whiney people

ever noticed how so many people whine and complain about little things in their lives, but they do it ALL THE TIME? nothing is ever right, everyone around them is wrong and they act like the world owes them something? GET A GRIP! WE have no idea how lucky we have it in this world. There are mothers that are forced to leave their children with strangers (and end up in a dumpster), people who do have to live on the street when they deserve disability or welfare.
Whenever you feel like complaining more than twice a day, think of these people and give thanks to God that you have freedom.

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2003-07-09 17:31
woohoo.i mean nothign wrong with whining once in a while...but when thats all a person does.... oh my.

I Didnt Survive Helms Deep
2003-06-19 18:10
hahaha I know!

2003-06-19 13:09
It drives me crazy when people whine about things that don't matter! Also people who whine, then try to guilt trip you into feeling sorry for them and give them whatever they want. Its like, "Its not gonna work so just SHUT UP!" lol

2003-02-21 13:17
*aplauds lumiere*