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Vent - Let out your frustration

Posted by Stupid Choices on 2007-06-05 03:29 1235

Why do i have to choose???

I dont see why we have to make such ahrd choices that could hurt us. I have a boyfriend who i care about very deeply and have been with for a year and my other best guy mate has had feelings for me for the same length of time.

At a party the other week, i kissed my friend and my bf saw and was hurt and kissed a friend of mine and i dont blame him for it. Its that since that night I have kissed him since.

I know that i am going to have to make a choice about who i want when my bf finds out my feelings for my friend and i dont want to because i love tehm both alot.

I hate choices

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2007-06-13 16:01
Seems a little childish that he turned around and kissed another girl just because you kissed a guy. Not that you were right in what you did, but two wrongs don't make a right. A good relationship requires mutual respect and it seems that although you may have feelings for him...there's a lack of respect between both of you.