Please register a handle before you chat with us:

Your handle may be up to 30 characters long and may contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, periods, and the underscore _ character. Your password will not be visible while you type it. You are asked to type it twice to make sure you have typed it correctly.

You must include a valid eMail address. A validation code will be eMailed to you at that address as soon as you click the register button. You must use that validation code to complete the registration process. If you do not complete the registeration process within 5 days, your handle will be deleted. If you are using hotmail or some other web-based eMail account, please make sure your account is still active and that your inbox isn't over your storage limit, or you won't receive your validation code.

Repeat password  
eMail address  
How did you hear about Disgruntled Masses?  
Why do we have you register with your eMail address? Accountability. Spammers are well known for hiding their identity. We as an anti-spamming community need to rise above this. Your registration information will be kept secure and private; it will not be accessible to any other users.